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Lord Charlton Kennels


Phone (571) 931-0223
Address 17723 Mine Rd,
Dumfries, VA 22025 United States


* Elite Country Club Setting for your Pet's Care
* Fun Packed Day Care facility
* Pampered Grooming services
* Ultimate in Pet Sitting services
* Unique Boutique items
* Specialized training for your pets

Conveniently located just off Highway 95 at exit 152 on 5 secluded acers on the edge of Prince William National Forest. Our facility has been home to several First Family pets including President Gerald Ford's, President Jimmy Carter's, President George Bush Sr.'s and President George W. Bush's.

Is your Groomer, Boarder, or Pet Sitter spending enough time with your dog or cat? Too many times we have heard stories about the trust pet owners place in these individuals only to find they keep the pet locked in a cage or small kennel run all day. Similarly, all too often groomers speed-groom pet-after-pet, not giving them the care and attention they need and deserve.

If you ever wonder if similar events are happening to you and your pet, we encourage you to remove your doubts and bring your pet to Lord Charlton Pet Spa. You can genuinely think of us as the people who sincerely care about your best friend. We invite you and your pets to take a tour of our facility and learn more about our family operation and about the many ways we can benefit your pets' personality and appearance.

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